Our Brands

Search the businesses that have chosen to give back to their local, national and global organizations, working to serve and solve the issues of our time


Commerce for Change Member program is a two year program developed to gather businesses that are participating in some form transactional charity. These Members will help educated both businesses and charities alike on the power of commerce and philanthropy. While some of these business' are committing themselves to be certified, not all Member businesses will chose to go through the certification procedure.


Starting in 2021, the Commerce for Change Certified program and label is a transactional charity stamp of approval. A straight forward, transparent, confidential, and free process, it guarantees that every time a product or service is sold, that the certified business or product is not only giving back to charity, but they are also a part of a philanthropic movement that is rethinking and reforming commerce and altruism.


Who Our Brands Support


See the organization, institutes, charities and nonprofits that Commerce for Change Certified businesses support. Support your favorite charitible organizations by shopping the brands that support them
